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For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.


Sunday Worship



Sunday School &

Bible Study



What is at Trinity?

Bible Information Class 
This class is a prerequisite for membership and is conducted about 2-3 times
a year.  It lasts from 10 weeks, covering the main Christian teachings.   
(Contact:  Pastor Langebartels, 928-200-1827)

 Altar Flowers  
You may sign up (bulletin board in narthex) to sponsor flowers for a
particular Sunday.  (Contact:  the office at 897-3422 for procedure
and cost.)  There is also a committee which is responsible for putting up
and taking down the altar flowers each service.  

 Choirs /Music
The Choir meets each week for a one-hour
rehearsal.  (Contact:  Hannah Langebartels (414) 758-8607)

 Church Picnic 
Annually, a picnic (with games for the kids) is held at the ballpark.

 This is scheduled for the Sunday following the end
of Vacation Bible School in July.   

 Church Council 
The "Church Council" is made up of the elected officers and Pastor.  It
meets monthly to oversee and conduct the church's business.   

Christmas Decorating
Each December volunteers overseen by the Church Council are invited to make
our church look festive.   (Contact:  Allyson Crandall (920) 591-0342)

Confirmation Class
Pastor Langebartels teaches this class (6th, 7th & 8th graders) which is a
prerequisite for becoming a communicant member of the church.

It is one yar of Bible History and two years of learning the teachings of the Bible.

(Contact:  Pastor Langebartels (928) 200 1827)

 Cradle Call 
This program ensures that parents of young children (pre-Sunday School)
receive printed parenting helps.  (Contact:  Joyce Kerr)

Four elders assist the pastor in overseeing the spiritual life of the
members.  If you are in spiritual need, or simply have questions, contact
an elder, or Pastor Langebartels (928) 200 1827.

Ladie's Aid  
This group meets monthly on the first Thursday at 11:30 am at Cheers in Coleman for lunch.

Then they proceed to Church for their 1 pm meeting.
Bible study, fellowship, service and to make friends. 

Lutheran Women's Missionary Society (LWMS) 
All Ladies of our congregation are automatically members in this group. 
This is a WELS national organization which promotes WELS missions at home and
abroad.  Our circuit (Lake Superior) meets twice each year for an
informational rally.  There's a national convention each summer. 
Members like to make donations (money, and/or furnishings, etc) in loving
memory of someone.     

(Contact:  Church Council President or the Pastor (928) 200 1827)

Ministry Updates
Four times a year a Ministry Update meeting is held immediately after the service. 
This update will inform our congregation of any items or issue to be discussed.

It is your opportunity to bring your comments and concerns to the Church
Council and the congregation.

Pre-Marital Counseling 
Before making wedding plans, contact Pastor Langebartels (928) 200 1827

Preschool is available for three and four year olds. 
(Contact: Pastor Langebartels or our Pre-school teacher -   Beth Henry (715) 938-4399

Spiritual Adult Education  
Join Us!
a.  Adult Bible Study - every Sunday 8:15 am-9:15 am
b.  Bible Information Class

c. Connecting Sinai to Calvary

d. When Christ Walked Among Us

Teens Group
This group includes 7th grade through high school students.  A weekly Bible class is
provided and a monthly fellowship with activities.  Each summer they attend
our WELS regional and international youth rallies.

  (Contact:  Dave Frievalt  920-883-2084 or Rocco Frievalt 920-445-5014)

Our ushers are to maintain order and decency so that the worshiper's communion
with God and the administration of Word and Sacraments may be promoted and
to promote good public relations for the congregation by conveying a positive,
friendly, genuinely caring impression to guests. 

(Contact:  Church Council member in charge of Elders)

 Vacation Bible School  
One week VBS is conducted each summer.  Many helpers are needed.
(Contact:  Church Council member in charge of Education)

Voter's Meeting 
Voting members of our church meet quarterly (and as needed) to make major decisions. 

It is your right and responsibility as a male member (age 18 and over) to attend. 

Notice of Meetings is in the weekly Bulletin and monthly Newsletters. 
(Contact:  Church Council President)

 WELS  Women's Retreat 
Each year an inspirational women's retreat is held.  It includes women
from our Northern Wisconsin District of the WELS. 

(Contact:  Church Office)


Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church exist to carry out Christ’s command to make disciples of all people, using the gospel to win the lost for Christ and to strengthen believers for lives of Christian service.




221 N Louis Ave

Coleman, WI  54112


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